
UniBloc Analycal Balance

AUW-D dual-range semi-micro balance 

Excellent Weighing Performance

— Compact UniBloc mechanism and digital processing technology produce
fast response and stability at the same me.

For Applicaons

  • Shimadzu’s unique WindowsDirect is a standard feature Measurement
    results can be transmied to Excel® or other Windows® applicaons
    without installing any addional soware on your computer. All you have
    to add is one RS-232C cable. WindowsDirect works with Windows® 95, 98 NT4.0, 2000, ME and XP. PC
    must be IBM PC/AT compable.
    If you’d like to use “WindowsDirect” with “Windows 7” “Windows Vista”,
    or a USB port.
  •  Piece counng, various mass units, below-weigh hook, specific gravity
    measurement soware are all standard features.


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